Things You'll Need
Find a location for your racetrack. This should be a spacious area, preferably indoors so as to keep it out of the rain and other unfavorable elements and in a location where the track will not be disturbed. A large garage is an ideal location. The racetrack needs to be on a surface which will allow the cars to maintain traction. Rough concrete is fine, but if your area has a slicker floor with less purchase you will need to modify this.
Lay plywood boards down around the area. These boards provide an ideal surface for racing as they allow the cars' wheels to retain traction without slowing the race down to a crawl. Where the boards join, place metal brackets down and hammer nails into the plywood to secure them and ensure they don't move. Keep the metal brackets away from anywhere where the racetrack itself will go.
Measure the width of the widest car you plan to race with and triple it. This is the minimum width that your track must be. With this in mind, plan the route of your track around the available space. Draw straight segments with a pen and a ruler, using a compass to draw curves, ensuring that the track is at a uniform width throughout its length.
Flush with the pen line, lay a line of masking tape along the whole length of the track. The masking tape should be inside the line of the track. Measure 1/2 inch from the outside of the pen line and lay another line of masking tape that surrounds the track. Spray these two lines of masking type with luminescent yellow paint and allow to dry. Remove the masking tape to reveal a neat line of yellow bordering the track, making it plainly visible for all competitors. Repeat for the other side of the track.