Things You'll Need
Set up the transit level in an open field.
Measure out 100 feet from the front of the transit level using the 100-foot measuring tape. Measure out 100 feet from the rear of the transit level in the same way.
Place two metal rods into the ground parallel to each other at the 100-foot marks. Drive the metal rods in the ground with a hammer, if necessary.
Adjust the thumb screws by turning them to set the level vials to indicate center.
Obtain a reading for one of the metal rods and verify that the measurement is 100 feet. Turn the head of the transit level 180 degrees. Measure the second metal rod and verify that the reading is 100 feet.
Adjust the level vials on the transit level by one-half the difference of the readings in step 5 if the metal rods do not measure 100 feet. Remeasure the metal rods to see if 100 feet is indicated. Repeat this step until you have two equal readings of 100 feet.