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How to Use Lighting to Get Rid of a Double Chin

As people age and put on weight they may develop a larger chin that can crease and sag, creating the appearance of two chins, or a "double chin." When taking photographs, your subject will usually prefer the double chin to be downplayed. Strategic use of light and shadow can effectively reduce the appearance of a double chin, although it may not be completely eliminated. Additional retouching can be done in photo-editing software.

Things You'll Need

  • Detachable flash
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      Position your subject 3 to 4 feet away from you. Lighting from very close will light more of the face and add a dramatic effect. Lighting from too far away will soften the shadows and show too much of the double chin.

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      Hold the flash above your subject, a little off center. This position will cast a shadow under the chin, but not the eyes, and take attention away from the chin.

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      Lift your subject's face slightly toward the light to smooth the subject's chin out to increase the shadow created from the flash and separate the chin from the neck.

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