Things You'll Need
Select a location for the meeting. Ideally the meeting should be held at the hosting organization's headquarters but if you have an activity planned that requires the use of a different facility, make the arrangements to properly secure the location prior to notifying members.
Notify all members and families of the pack meeting location and time. Normally pack meetings are held on a regular monthly schedule, but you should still provide notification. You can e-mail or telephone members to give the meeting details.
Arrange for a gathering activity. While members are arriving, you can keep the group busy by providing something interesting to do. Word searches, crossword puzzles and word games are popular gathering activities.
Conduct an opening ceremony. The opening marks the beginning of the pack meeting and often consists of a song, prayer or the presentation of the flag.
Start the pack meeting program. The program portion of the meeting can include performances and demonstrations. In order to keep the group engaged, plan activities that require the participation of the entire audience.
Recognize members who have achieved something notable. This is the part of the meeting where you can present awards, certificates or anything else you would like to use to recognize achievement.
Initiate the closing. At the close of a pack meeting, the organizer typically thanks the attendees and makes announcements about upcoming events and activities. Every organization has different closing traditions and these should be performed at this time.
Serve refreshments at the conclusion of the meeting. This gives members time to mingle informally.