Things You'll Need
Cut the metal strip to match the length of the rivet line you wish to install. Use a measuring tape to quantify the length, or place the uncut strip against the portion of the aircraft where you want to install rivets.
Position the metal strip along the line of the proposed rivets, then tape it to secure it in place. Apply the tape on the edge of the metal opposite to the side where the rivets will be.
Roll the pounce wheel down the edge of the metal strip with light pressure (the metal will help you maintain a straight line). Pounce wheels have sharp teeth used to puncture the surface of your craft material. They poke very shallow holes as long as you don't apply too much pressure.
Peel the tape to remove the metal strip, then dip a small paintbrush into the gray paint. Dab the gray paint onto each of the holes left by the pounce wheel to simulate rivets.
Mix one part black paint with nine parts water, then apply this wash mixture to the rivets. This will help blend the rivets in with the rest of the aircraft's paint scheme, giving it a more natural look.