Visit Lego's DesignByMe's homepage (see Resources).
Download Lego's free Digital Designer program. Click the blue "Download Now!" box and choose a place on your computer to which to download the file.
Open the file, then read the directions and click "Next" to install Lego Digital Designer. Double-click the Digital Designer icon installed on the desktop to open Digital Designer.
Click on a large block in the left section of the screen that has a green background. Digital Designer allows you to build whatever design you want. The screen is laid out in a square grid to make your design easy to measure. Lego bricks with a green background are buyable. Click the color tab and choose gray. Move the cursor to the middle of the screen and click on the grid. Place the block in the center. Place a second block of the same variety four squares away to make the Goliath's feet. Snap red blocks on top of the gray blocks. Snap more gray blocks onto the red blocks to finish the legs.
Snap gray blocks in the center of the legs to start the torso. The cockpit is in the center of the Goliath; the Goliath does not have a head. Use blue blocks in the center of the torso to simulate the cockpit. Build small red arms off the torso.
Click the icon labeled "DesignByMe," then click the "Check Price" button in the top right corner of the screen. In the small menu that appears in the middle of the screen, click your country in the dropdown box labeled "Country." Click "Upload" to send the design to Lego. Click "Design Box and Purchase" on the screen that appears. Select what you want the box to look like and purchase the design. Lego will send the bricks to your house so that you can build the Goliath using real Legos. To help build the Goliath in person, customized instructions come with the blocks.