Things You'll Need
Fold one length of rope in half and tie the ends together.
Lay the folded piece of rope in front of you with the loop at the top. Place the other length of rope under the folded piece of rope so that there are equal lengths on either sides of the folded piece.
Fold the piece of rope extending to the right over the folded piece of rope.
Cross the piece of rope extending to the left down over the piece of rope that was folded over in Step 3.
Wrap the piece of rope that was extending to the left around the back of the looped rope and up through the loop that was formed when the rope extending to the right was folded over in Step 3.
Shift the knot to the top of the folded rope and pull the ends to tighten it.
Repeat Steps 3 to 6 to make knots extending down the folded piece of rope, but alternate the rope side you begin with. For example, because you began the first knot by folding the piece of rope extending to the right over the folded piece of rope, begin the second knot by folding the piece of rope extending to the left over the folded piece of rope.
Lay the cobra-stitched survival bracelet down so that there are equal lengths of rope extending to the right and left of the body of the knot. If needed, flip the body around so that the lengths of rope are extending from near the top of the body.
Find the length of rope that is under a loop in the body of the survival bracelet.
Repeat Steps 3 to 6 to form cobra knots over the existing knots. Remember to alternate the length of rope you use.
Cut any extra lengths of rope left over when you reach the end of the bracelet body. Burn the ends of the rope to keep the knots from coming undone.