Introductory Activities
The first meeting should have an activity that helps the Cadettes become comfortable with one another and the troop leadership. For example, have the Cadettes play friendship Bingo, filling the squares with the names of troop members, or complete a quiz on Girl Scout history. Consider having the girls pick an activity, because it will help them practice their leadership skills.
Meeting Business
Every meeting should have a central purpose to it, also known as the "business." For example, the first meeting could be used to discuss the type of government the troop wants to adopt. If the girls choose a government that includes elected officers, have them choose the officers. The meeting also can be used to plan future field trips and the process for paying for them. Girl Scouts raise money from cookie sales, troop dues and fall product sales.
A great activity idea is to have the Cadettes decide what they want to do throughout the year. Draw a house with 12 rooms. Give each girl one pad of sticky notes, a pen and a journey book. Have them look through the journey books to figure out what activities they want to do, such as fishing or volunteering for a community service project. Have them place the stickies in one of the 12 rooms. Each room represents a month, and stickies should be placed in the month that works best for the activity.
Introductory Speeches
At some point during the meeting, have the Cadettes practice their public speaking skills. Each girl should prepare a short speech that includes her name, grade and interests. You also can have her include information about why she became a Cadette Girl Scout. If you have a large group, consider having some of the girls speak at the first meeting and the other half speak at a subsequent meeting.