Things You'll Need
Place the wood piece on the ground. Measure an inch in from each end of the wood piece. Make a dot at the inch mark at each end with a pencil.
Wrap an end of the fishing line around a wooden screw. Place the screw against the dot at one end of the wood piece. Screw in the screw with a Phillips screwdriver.
Run the fishing line across to the other end of the wood piece. Cut the fishing line off the spool with a wire cutter. Pull the fishing line taunt.
Wrap the cut end of the fishing line around the head of a wooden screw. Screw the wooden screw into the dot on the wood with the Phillips screwdriver.
Place the tin tub on the ground. Place the wood piece across the top of the tub. Draw a mark on the side of the wood at each end where it meets the rim of the tub.
Remove the wood piece. Place the wood on the floor witht the fishing line facing down. Draw a vertical bead of bonding glue across each end of the wood where the mark was made.
Turn the wood over. Place the wood across the top of the tube. Push each end of the wood against the rim at the sides of the tub. Continue to apply pressure for two minutes before letting go. Let the glue set overnight.
Sit down in front of your tropical bass instrument. Strum or pluck the fishing line on the wood to create bass sounds.