Things You'll Need
Lay the track into position on the train board after having removed the connector pegs on the ends of the tracks. When this is done and the tracks are lined up, trace the outline of the turnout onto the train board with a pencil.
Remove the turnout from the track and apply contact cement or glue to a straight piece of cork, applying it to the train board where the straight section of the track turnout will be located. This should be immediately in between the lines you drew with the pencil. Cut it to the correct length using a craft knife.
Lay a second piece of cork on the section of the track that is to be curved, but do not glue it down. Instead, cut the end of the cork strip to match the angle and curvature of the track where it butts against the straight piece of cork.
Glue this piece of cork to the train board in the same manner with which you attached the first piece to the train board and allow them to dry.
Install the track couplers onto the ends of the turnout's rails and install the turnout onto the cork, tacking it in place with a model railroad tack long enough to connect the track through the cork with the table below. Once this is done, you can wire the track and run your trains over it.