Things You'll Need
Create the outline of the dog using pins. Lay the pins down on a table. Use glue to attach the pins to one another. The pins should be about one inch long. Be sure to include a horizontal body, comprised of at least three pins, with four vertical legs descending from it. The legs should be comprised of one pin each. Attach a vertical tail, using either one or a fraction of a pin, ascending from the body. Add in a pin for a head, using either one or a fraction of one pin. Use glue to secure the body in place. The whole process should take about one hour.
Wrap the body in string. You will need about 10 feet of string. This will create a string dog for you. Put a bit of glue on the end of each string wrapping to secure the string in position. You can double the string to allow for a larger and more pronounced head to work with.
Add details. Glue small pieces of fabric in proper positions to add eyes, ears and a mouth complete with teeth onto your string dog.