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How to Make a Fingerboard Mold out of Gorilla Glue

Fingerboards are the miniature skateboards that use two fingers instead of two feet, enjoyed as collectible items and as a sport complete with miniature skate parks and national championships. A number of companies make collectible fingerboards, but many enthusiasts prefer to make their own custom "decks" from wood veneers shaped with a mold. As of August 2011, prices for molds can reach the $50 range, but a few household items and a bottle of Gorilla Glue can create a reusable mold for under $10.

Things You'll Need

  • Old Fingerboard or a blank deck
  • Allen screwdriver
  • Clear packaging tape
  • Scissors or razor cutter
  • Cereal box
  • Bottle of Gorilla Glue All Purpose Adhesive, 4 ounces
  • Roll of double stick adhesive foam tape
  • 10 ice cream sticks
  • Pan spray or petroleum jelly
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    • 1

      Remove the truck from the deck. Use an Allen screwdriver to remove the truck off of an existing fingerboard, or if using a blank deck, skip to Step 2.

    • 2

      Sandwich the deck with clear packaging tape. On each side of the deck, press a strip of the tape to serve as protection from the Gorilla Glue and to prevent the glue from entering screw holes. Trim along the edges with scissors or a razor cutter to avoid any of the tape from overhanging past the edges.

    • 3

      Cut a large rectangle from the cereal box. A 12 inch by 6 inch section is large enough to work with a 96 millimeter deck.

    • 4

      Cut a strip of double-stick adhesive foam tape. Wrap the tape, circling around the edge of the deck with the protective peel-off strip still attached. Trim the tape to exactly fit around the edge of the board without any overlap. Cut two more strips of equal length as this one.

    • 5

      Attach strips of double-stick adhesive tape to the cereal box. Center and attach one strip of the double adhesive foam tape along the horizontal center on the printed side of the cereal box, starting at one edge. When finished, there will be additional length of cardboard to serve as the overlap. Along each side of this strip, and starting at the same edge, attach the two others. Ensure that the edges butt up to one another so that the glue will not be able to seep between the strips of tape. Peel away the protective strip from the center strip only. Leave the protective strips on the two outside strips of tape.

    • 6

      Wrap the tape and cardboard around the deck. Start wrapping the sticky center section of tape at the center of one of the long sides of the deck. Gently work the unit around the deck to ensure a snug fit and that the deck is level, until the entire unit is wrapped around the deck. Gently press the sides of the cardboard to tighten the hold of the tape on the edges of the deck. Run a very thin bead of Gorilla Glue under the overlap near the internal opening. Squeeze the glue to smooth it in place by sandwiching fingers over both ends of the cardboard.

    • 7

      Add supports. Set the unit down on its side. Position three ice cream sticks on the outside, running perpendicular to the deck and spaced evenly apart. Lift each stick and put three drops of Gorilla Glue along each stick and reposition back in place. Using a sandwich hold with your fingers press the cardboard up to each stick. Fold a section of packaging tape over the ends of each side, securing the sticks to the cardboard. Flip the unit over and repeat this step on the other side. When complete wrap packaging tape around the unit, circling the center of the ice cream sticks.

    • 8

      Spray a coat of pan spray or rub petroleum jelly along the inside of one half of the mold. Spray an even coating, but do not drench the cardboard. With your finger rub the pan spray or jelly along the exposed area of the foam adhesive strip, ensuring that it is no longer sticky and all inside areas are coated. This prevents the Gorilla Glue from adhering to the deck, foam tape or cardboard as it dries.

    • 9

      Pour glue into one side of the mold. Set the mold into another box or between items to prevent it from tipping over. Squeeze a layer of Gorilla Glue into the mold near the deck of not more than 1/4 inch deep. If necessary, use an ice cream stick to smear the glue into all ends and remove any air bubbles. Let this layer stand for about 15 to 20 minutes depending upon temperature and humidity in the work area. Gorilla Glue is a polyurethane adhesive that needs air to dry and expands as it dries. After waiting the appropriate length of time, add another quarter-inch layer. Repeat this process until layers of glue reach the top of the double-stick foam strips. Allow this side to dry for no less than 4 hours before proceeding to the next side.

    • 10

      Turn the unit over and repeat Steps 8 and 9. When complete allow the unit to sit over night to finish curing before removing the cardboard structure.

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