Things You'll Need
Cut the hooked end of the metal coat hangers with the tin snips and then bend them straight.
Place two of the straight coat hangers parallel on the ground and 1 inch apart. Place two more bent coat hangers on diagonal on top of the first two coat hangers the same distance apart to make an X.
Cut four 2-inch pieces of wire with tin snips. Wrap the wire around the coat hangers where to pieces meet. Secure the wire by twisting it with the pliers.
Place the remaining coat hangers on the connected pieces 1 inch apart at a diagonal and secure them with the wire.
Measure down 3 inches on the wood pole with the tape measure. Make a mark with a pencil. Drill a 1/8-inch hole through the wood pole with the power drill.
Cut a six-inch piece of wire and insert it through the hole in the wood pole. Set the wire frame on the wood pole.
Bend the wire around the frame to secure it to the wood pole.
Measure the diameter of the coat hanger frame. Cut the tarp into a circle 2-3 inches larger than the frame with the scissors. Cut a 1-inch hole in the center of the tarp.
Place the tarp over the wood pole and on the frame. Secure the frame to the underside of the vinyl tarp with duct tape.