Things You'll Need
Find an area on your property where you have a minimum 40 yards long of free space. Measure from one end to the other and mark a line by pouring some chalk on the ground. The other side of the chalk is the direction you will be choosing, check that it will be safe to shoot shotguns in that direction.
Build two "low houses" for one of the pigeon throwers. Place the foot long pressure treated posts on the ground, one at each corner in a 4-foot square. Place one of the pieces of plywood on top of the posts and nail through the plywood into the posts.
Place the first low house to the far right of the chalk line. Place one of the clay pigeon throwers on this platform. Place the second low house just beyond the chalk line, in the very center. Place a pigeon thrower on this platform, which will be used for skeet shooting.
Build a "high house" on the far left side of the chalk line. For this you need to dig four post holes in the corners of a 4-foot square. Mix the concrete according to the directions on the bag.
Place the posts in the holes and pour concrete around each post. Wait for the concrete to dry.
Get on the ladder and measure 8 1/2 feet up each pole. Cut the pole off with the circular saw at 8 1/2 feet.
Place the second piece of plywood on top of the beams and nail through the plywood into the ends. Place the other clay pigeon thrower on this platform.
Walk around in an arch from the low house to the high house. Make eight evenly spaced markers along this arch for the positions that players will stand in when shooting skeet and trap. Mark the positions with some chalk poured on the ground.