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How to Calculate a Decompression Dive

Decompression diving is an advanced form of diving that is utilized to explore depths that would otherwise be unsafe. Dive tables offer divers a way to safely and accurately calculate how long they can spend in the water. The dive tables provide information on how much nitrogen will remain in a diver's body after completing a dive for a set time and at a set depth. Dive tables also provide information on whether a particular dive will require a decompression period.

Things You'll Need

  • NAUI Dive Tables
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    • 1

      Consult Table 1 and select the maximum depth that will be reached on the dive. Even if most of the dive will be spent at a shallower depth, use the maximum depth that will be reached during the dive.

    • 2

      Look to the right of the diving depth and select the amount of time that will be spent in the water. Round up the amount of time that will be spent in the water. For instance, round a 32-minute dive up to 35 minutes. If the number printed in the box is red, decompression will be required.

    • 3

      Look down from the dive time on the chart and take note of the letter displayed at the bottom of the column. This letter represents the amount of nitrogen remaining in the body after the dive.

    • 4

      Consult the Surface Interval Time (SIT) table provided in Table 2. Locate the letter identified in Table 1 and scroll to the bottom of the column below the letter. Move up from the bottom of the column until you locate the box with the amount of time between the first and second dive. Take note of the letter displayed to the left of the box.

    • 5

      Consult the Repetitive Dive Table provided in Table 3. Locate the letter obtained from the SIT table and then choose the maximum depth that will be obtained on the second dive. The bold number in the box represents the maximum amount of time that can be spent in the water.

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