Length of Stock and Rope Cocker
Some Parker Terminator Crossbow owners have complained about the length of the crossbow's stock and rope cocker, claiming that they are much too long for short-armed people. One solution to this is to use a sidewinder cocking device.
String Tension
Some buyers have suggested that the designers of the Parker Terminator Crossbow pushed the limits on lathe length and string tension, both of which determine a crossbow's speed. While the Parker Terminator Crossbow is extremely fast, some owners have been disappointed by the high level of string tension and suggest that the weapon's safety has been compromised because of it.
Other String Problems
Problems with the crossbow's string seem to be most common. Some buyers have had the string locking mechanism lock up to the point of needed replacement, while others have experienced a fraying string or the string spacer popping off.
Because of its advanced trigger and automatic safety systems, the Parker Terminator Crossbow can be difficult to re-cock. This problem arises when you don't pull the trigger in all the way and the cocking mechanism doesn't disengage. To avoid this, pull fast and hard on the trigger.
Problems with the Parker Terminator Crossbow's accuracy are partly attributable to its high level of string tension. Some buyers have claimed that the bow is accurate only up to 10 yards. Others, however, claim that accuracy is one of the bow's strongest features. Ultimately, whether or not any product is a good product is subjective and determined by the individual.