Things You'll Need
Make sure it is dark outside. This effect won't work during the day.
Unfurl the steel wool so that it has an overall fluffy texture. Push the steel wool into the bulb end of the whisk by sliding it through the slots.
Attach the cable to the handle of the whisk. The whisk should hang freely allowing you to swing it around while holding the other end of the cable.
Put your camera on manual mode, with shutter speed at about 30 seconds, aperture at F8, ISO 200 and white balance set to tungsten. You can experiment with other settings to achieve your desired effect.
Place the LED or flashlight on the ground to act as a focal point for the camera. Set the camera on manual focus and focus on the light.
Set the camera timer to give you time to get back to the LED and light the wool. Once the wool is lit, begin swinging it in a circle using the cable as a leash.
Make sure the wool and all sparks are completely out when you are finished with the shot.