Things You'll Need
Bend Test
Unroll the photograph slowly. Do not hold down the opposite end as you do this. It should be free to roll up.
Stop if you feel resistance or the photograph cracks. This will mean the photograph may be too brittle for homemade uncurling methods and should be taken to a photo professional.
Move onto the next section if the photo passed the test or you are prepared to take the risk of cracking the photograph.
Book Sandwich
Flatten the photo and place it on top of a book. This section should only be attempted if the photo can be flattened without resistance or damage being caused.
Place a second book, as heavy as you can find, on top to keep the photo in this position.
Place the books in a humid environment; the bathroom is typically the most humid room in a home.
Move the books to a non-humid room after 24 hours. Leave them here for an additional 24 hours.
Remove the photograph from the books.
Homemade Humidifier
Fill a photo developing tray with warm water. The tray must be larger than the photo.
Stretch a fiberglass screen over the top of the tray.
Put the photo on top of this fiberglass screen.
Cover the entire humidifier and photo with plastic and place objects around the outside to weigh it down.
Leave the photo for two days and then remove it.
Place the photo inside a photo blotter drying book and put a heavy book on top.
Leave it for 24 hours and then remove.
Homemade Humidifier: For Tightly Rolled Photos
Put an open-topped plastic container into a larger container.
Pour warm water into the large container until it is roughly 3 inches high.
Add the photo into the smaller container in its rolled state.
Put the lid on the large container and leave the humidifier alone for two days.
Remove the photo, unroll it and then flatten it out.
Leave the photo here for a day and then remove it.