Things You'll Need
Measure a hollow or soft wood log with the tape measure to the size you want for the drum. Cut the log with a hand saw.
Remove the bark from around the cut piece of log with the hammer and chisel. Sand the exterior of the log with the handheld sander.
Remove wood from the inside of the log with a chisel and hammer. Strike the chisel with a hammer to chip away at the wood. Remove all but 1/2 inch of wood at the outside edge of the log.
Sand the top and bottom edges of the hollow piece of log with the handheld sander. This will remove any sharp edges that can rip the skin of the drum.
Measure the animal skin that is to be used for the drum with the tape measure. The skin will need to be at least 8 inches bigger than the diameter of the log. Cut the animal skin with the utility knife.
Place the animal skins in warm water and let them sit for at least 24 hours. This will make the skin soft and pliable.
Remove the animal skin from the water. Create small holes in the skin for the cord using a center punch and a hammer. Place the center punch on the edge of the skin and strike it with the hammer. Put a hole every 3 to 4 inches around the circumference of each animal skin.
Place the skins on each side of the log. Run a piece of leather cord from a top hole to a bottom hole in a diagonal pattern around the perimeter of the log. Tie off the leather cord and then allow the animal skin to dry before playing the drum.