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How to Drill out a Log to Make a Drum

To make a drum out of a log, use a hollow log or hollow out a soft wood log, such as cherry. You need to cover the wood with skin to produce the sound. Assemble the log drum with a technique similar to that used in traditional Native American drum construction. Start by obtaining a suitable log that you can modify.

Things You'll Need

  • Hollow or soft wood log
  • Tape measure
  • Hand saw
  • Chisel
  • Hammer
  • Handheld sander
  • Animal skin
  • Utility knife
  • Center punch
  • Hammer
  • Leather cord
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    • 1

      Measure a hollow or soft wood log with the tape measure to the size you want for the drum. Cut the log with a hand saw.

    • 2

      Remove the bark from around the cut piece of log with the hammer and chisel. Sand the exterior of the log with the handheld sander.

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      Remove wood from the inside of the log with a chisel and hammer. Strike the chisel with a hammer to chip away at the wood. Remove all but 1/2 inch of wood at the outside edge of the log.

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      Sand the top and bottom edges of the hollow piece of log with the handheld sander. This will remove any sharp edges that can rip the skin of the drum.

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      Measure the animal skin that is to be used for the drum with the tape measure. The skin will need to be at least 8 inches bigger than the diameter of the log. Cut the animal skin with the utility knife.

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      Place the animal skins in warm water and let them sit for at least 24 hours. This will make the skin soft and pliable.

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      Remove the animal skin from the water. Create small holes in the skin for the cord using a center punch and a hammer. Place the center punch on the edge of the skin and strike it with the hammer. Put a hole every 3 to 4 inches around the circumference of each animal skin.

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      Place the skins on each side of the log. Run a piece of leather cord from a top hole to a bottom hole in a diagonal pattern around the perimeter of the log. Tie off the leather cord and then allow the animal skin to dry before playing the drum.

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