Things You'll Need
Search online retailers or local brick-and-mortar stores for an inexpensive RC car. These cars can be found for as little as ten dollars. Alternatively, old RC cars you may have lying around the house will also work so long as they possess a working battery.
Set aside the controller that comes with each RC car. This will be used to control the motion of your robot later.
Take off the plastic pieces that cover the wheel base of the car and the various internal electronic components. Discard these pieces.
Salvage the key electronic components inside, which include the two servos (motors), the battery pack and the receiver board. The battery pack and receiver board need to be removed entirely from the wheel base, while the two servos can be left attached as they are to the base.
Prepare the adhesive pieces for the receiver and battery. Take two hook and loop fastener strips and cut each into two separate pieces, with one piece representing the "hooks" side of the fastener and the other piece representing the "loops" side of the fastener.
Apply professional strength glue to the back of each fastener piece.
Apply the hooks pieces to both the back of the receiver and the back of the battery.
Apply the loops pieces to the top and the bottom of the wheel base. Allow several minutes for these pieces to dry.
Fix the receiver in place to the top of the wheel base via the fastener pieces, and the battery to the bottom of the wheel base.
Wire the battery pack into the small opening or channel at the end of the receiver board listed as "Battery" or "Batt" by inserting the two-wire lead coming out of the battery into the receiver's channel opening. The "Batt" or "Battery" listing will vary by receiver board used.
Wire each servo into separate channels on the receiver board. Ensure none of the components are wired into the same channels.
Add decorative items as you see fit to your robot in order to give it more personality. These items are optional but can be attached to your robot's base using your professional strength glue or duct tape.
Turn on the controller and use it to test and control your fully functional robot's movement.