A transistor is an electronic device that amplifies electrical currents and acts as a switch. The transistors in cell phones and other small gadgets manage currents as small as a few millionths of an amp. Other equipment, such as music amplifiers and radio transmitters, have transistors that handle hundreds of amps of current and over 1,000 watts of power. These transistors are more robust both physically and electrically, with thicker leads and metal cases that dissipate large amounts of heat. You can readily identify the terminals on a power transistor, as they adhere to standard case designs such as the TO-3.
Hold the transistor in your fingers.
Turn it so the two short bottom pins point toward you.
Orient the transistor so the two mounting holes line up vertically, and the two pins make a horizontal line just below the transistor's midpoint. The case serves as the transistor's collector lead, the emitter lead is the left pin, and the pin on the right is the base.