Things You'll Need
Draw a bolt shape onto a sheet of frisket with a pencil.
Cut out the bolt shape with a razor blade. Set the shape aside, you will need it later.
Peel the protective backing off of the sheet of frisket and smooth it onto the surface you are painting.
Airbrush silver paint over the frisket film. The paint will only touch the working surface through the bolt-shaped stencil you have cut.
Allow the paint to dry, then apply additional coats until you have built up the desired intensity.
Determine a light source for the bolt. This is often above and to one side.
Place the cut-out bolt shape over the hole in the frisket, then slide it slightly in the opposite direction of the light source to expose a sliver of the painted surface.
Airbrush a highlight color onto the exposed surface. Remove the bolt shape and allow the paint to dry.
Place the cut-out bolt shape into the hole again. This time slide it slightly toward the light source, revealing a sliver of the painted bolt on the opposite side as the highlight.
Airbrush a shadow color onto the exposed surface, then remove the bolt shape and allow the paint to dry.
Carefully peel the frisket film off of the working surface to expose the bolt.
Peel the protective backing off of the bolt shape and apply it over the painted bolt, lining up the edges exactly. It will not damage your paint.
Airbrush a shadow color next to the bolt on the opposite side of the light source.
Allow the paint to dry, then remove the frisket covering the bolt.