How to Tuck in General
To do any type of tuck requires a few basic maneuvers. You must push off with your dominant foot. The other planted foot is at the far end of the longboard. After pushing off, place that foot behind the foot at the back end of the board. The following moves are a matter of different types of tucks.
American Tuck
American tucks have a lot of style and are the most aerodynamic tuck. The basic tucking principle is accentuated by bending the knees so one knee is lower to the board than the other. One hand drapes to the side while the other holds the opposite side of the board. American tucks are the best for maneuverability around turns.
Euro Tuck
Euro tucks are a little more formal looking. The longboarder is crouched lower than in the American tuck and does something called a "grab ass," or putting the hands straight back from the sides. This creates a forward momentum and balance and is good for creating stability and a center of gravity. The Euro tuck incorporates the basic principles of tucking, except the way the longboarder stands on the board is different.
Brazillian Tuck
Brazilian tucks are more dramatic. One arm reaches out like a discus thrower. Sometimes both hands are in front piercing the air. Brazilian tucks are different than American or Euro tucks because the knees are lowest to the board. It is called "drop-knee style." The advantage of Brazilian longboarding is that it is easier to stop with the balance of the arms. Brazilian longboarding is known for its stability.