If you ever snoop around your grandparent's basement and come upon a cache of dusty large, black round discs, don't freak out. Those are records. People used to listen to them on turntables before compact disc and digital music players. Though many people laud digital music because it allows them to hear music the way the artists intended it to sound, there are some audiophiles who claim that the crackle and hiss that media formats such as records provide has superior sound. If you want to hear what some old records sound like, make a simple turntable on which you can play a record or two.
- Round platform
- Needle
- Paper
- Tape
- Marble or chess piece
- Record
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Take a sheet of paper and roll it into a cone shape.
Tear off two or three strips of tape, then tape the cone together.
Insert a needle inside the tip of the cone, and secure it with another strip of tape.
Get a round platform that is slightly bigger than a record. Attach an old chess piece or a marble onto the middle of the platform. Be sure that the round object on the platform is secure.
Put the record on the round object on the platform.
Set the tip of the cone on the record, and start spinning the record with your fingers. Music will begin streaming out of the cone.