Study the Gujarati alphabet. Get familiar with the Gujarati letters, learn their names and be able to discern one from the other. The letters may at first appear as scribbles, but the more you study, the more you will notice and remember the differences.
Find written Gujarati materials. Get anything in print you can find that is written in the Gujarati language. Select from Gujarati newspapers, books or journals, or get writings from local native speakers. Online sites, such as, have plenty of text from which to choose.
Set out your Gujarati dictionary so you can translate the words as you read. Read each word and then look it up. If the dictionary shows multiple meanings, make a note of that on your paper. Use a separate line on your paper for each word.
Use reference books, such as Learn Gujarati in a Month, to help you understand Gujarati grammar. Examine the structures of sentences and how verbs, nouns, pronouns, and other parts of speech are used in the Gujarati language.
Construct a sentence for each set of words you translated. Try to make sense of it all and make word substitutions and revisions as needed. Check the flow of meaning between preceding and subsequent sentences. Make any necessary revisions to clarify the meaning.
Convert transliterated forms of the Gujarati language into the English language, if applicable. Make use of bidirectional dictionaries, those that have Gujarati to English and English to Gujarati, that have transliterated forms of the Gujarati words. Apply the same methods as above for direct translation.