What Are Pinstriping Brushes?
Pinstriping brushes are a type of specialized brush. They are made of a wood dowel handle that is especially balanced for the precarious job of pinstripping between the index finger and thumb. Attached to the handle can be a fixture of various metals, like brass. An adhesive holds animal or synthetic hair to the fixture. Pinstriping brushes have a tradition of being made with animal hair. Squirrel hair has been the most common through the ages.
Natural Pinstriping Brushes
Natural pinstriping brushes, although they use animal hair, do not kill animals in the process of making them. One kind of animal hair can be used alone or in combination with other types of animal hair. Natural hair holds more paint than synthetic hair because of microscopic scales. The type of hair used depends on the type of animal from which it comes, the grade of the hair and the availability of the product. Longer hair is more difficult to find and more expensive than shorter hair brushes.
Synthetic Pinstriping Brushes
Synthetic pinstriping brushes are made of nylon or polyester. Variations of brush cut include tipped, tapered, flagged, abraded or etched. The type of cut determines how much paint and color is picked up by the brush. Synthetic brush fibers can be dyed and baked to increase absorbency. Synthetic brushes have advantages in durability from solvents and wear and tear and they are easier to clean. They are also a must when using acrylic paint.
Sword or Dagger Pinstriping Brushes
Two types of pinstriping tools are used for pinstriping, swords or daggers. Sometimes they are referred to as the same, but they have subtle differences expert pinstripers know well. The sword pinstriping brush has long hair on the top that tapers to a short length on the underside. A dagger pinstriping brush has a point of hair that is sharp and doubleedged. Daggers are often used for curved designs, while swords are more versatile and used more often for all designs.