Things You'll Need
Check the voltage on one of the LED lights; it is marked on the side of the light. Multiple LED lights are wired in parallel, so the voltage requirement for one LED is the same as for several LEDs. For example, if you have six LED lights wired in parallel, they will use the same voltage as would 12 LEDs.
Check the voltage on the label of the power source. It must match the voltage for the LED light. For example, if the LED light is 6 volts, then the power source also must be 6 volts.
Replace or recharge the batteries, if your LEDs use battery power. When the batteries start to lose voltage, the LEDS will begin to dim. Fully charged batteries are needed to maximize output from LEDs. If the LEDs are powered by a variable rate transformer, ensure that the voltage output is set to match the voltage for the LEDs. To maximize LED output, slightly increase the voltage from the transformer to more than the voltage listed for the LED lights; an increase to about 10 percent over the rated voltage will really make the LEDs bright.