Things You'll Need
Cut two pieces of hemp that are five inches longer than the proposed finished length. These will be the inside base strands, of the four needed to make this knot.
Measure two more lengths of hemp for the outside, weaving strands. Make these five times longer than the finished measurement.
Make an overhand knot to connect all the strands.
Take the right hand weaving strand, and fold it over the base strands. Pass it under the left hand weaver.
Move the left hand strand under the center base lines, and bring it up and over the right hand weaving strand.
Tighten this square knot tight by pulling the two weaving strands taut against the center strings. The square knot is the bases for the ripple knot.
Make another square knot, but do not tighten it completely. Create a gap by leaving the two side strands extended a similar distance on both sides of the base strands.
Use your forefinger and thumb to push the center of the knot up against the previous knot so the center is snug but the side strands ripple out to the sides forming the picot, or loop. This creates the gentle looping curve of the ripple stitch.
Create a pattern with picots and square knots to form various rippling effects.