Things You'll Need
Drill holes with the 1/4-inch bit in areas where you want to mount your lights. Many LED kits offer a pair of white LEDs (headlights), red LEDS (brake lights) and amber LEDs (running lights), so you'll need to drill one hole per LED. You can drill them anywhere you want, or drill two holes in the head lamp area of the body shell, two more holes in the brake light area of the body shell and then the last two on either side of the windshield.
Push the LED outer mounting braces into each hole, inserting them from the outside of the body shell. Insert the two AA batteries into the LED kit's battery compartment, then turn on the light system. Identify the pairs of light colors. Slide the lower LED mounting brace down onto each of the six wires.
Insert the LED through the outer mounting brace from inside the body shell, then slide the inner mounting brace up until it snaps into the outer mounting brace, sandwiching the body shell between them.
Cut a 2-inch section of double-sided tape, and use it to mount the battery compartment to the inside of the body shell. It's best to choose a location in the center of the body shell, such as behind the windshield, to evenly distribute the weight of the batteries. Peel one side of the tape, press it onto the body shell and then peel the other side and press the battery compartment against it.
Cut 1-inch-long square sections of foil tape, and use them to secure the wires to the body. Hold the wires in a bundle over the inside of the body shell, then press them in position with a piece of tape.