Start with a new document in Photoshop and draw a diagonal line with a hard 1 pixel brush.
Click "Edit," "Define Brush Preset" and "Okay."
Select the "Brushes" tab at the top right side of the screen.
Check the following boxes on the left side of the menu: "Scattering," "Shape Dynamics," "Texture," "Noise" and "Other Dynamics."
Choose "Brush Tip Shape" and enter "17 px" under "Diameter," "-56 degrees" under "Angle," "100 percent" for "Roundness" and "65 percent" for "Spacing."
Click on "Shape Dynamics" and enter "100 percent" for "Size Jitter," choose "Pen Pressure" for the "Control," enter "0 percent" for "Minimum Diameter," "68 percent" for "Angle Jitter," "0 percent" for "Roundness Jitter" and turn the "Controls" for "Angle Jitter" and "Roundness Jitter" to "Off."
Go into the "Scattering" option and put a check mark next to "Both Axes," enter "422 percent" under "Scatter," "2" under "Count" and "1 percent" under "Count Jitter." Turn both "Control" boxes to "Off."
Place a check mark by "Invert" to change the settings in "Texture." Enter "1000 percent" for "Scale," "100 percent" for "Depth and "Minimum Depth" and "0 percent" for "Depth Jitter." Change "Mode" to "Color Burn" and turn the "Control" to "Off."
Go to "Other Dynamics" and enter "100 percent" for "Opacity Jitter" and "0 percent" for "Flow Jitter." Choose "Pen Pressure" for both "Control" options.
Click on the triangle found on the "Brushes" tab at the top of the screen. Select "New Brush Preset" and "Okay" to save the new scratchy brush.
Click on the scratchy brush when you need to make a scratchy-looking texture on a photo or other creation.
Place your mouse on the screen where you would like to add texture. Left-click with the mouse and hold it down. Move the mouse across the area, spreading texture with your scratchy brush. Stop pressing the button on the mouse when you are finished adding texture.