Things You'll Need
Relax your shoulders and tongue. Breathe deeply as you yawn. As you do so, you'll feel the air you breathe enter your mouth and throat.
Keep your shoulders and head still, yet relaxed. Exhale the breath slowly.
Inhale again while yawing and relaxing. Vocalize the exhale during this breath by sighing slowly out loud.
Repeat the inhaling and exhaling, each time changing the pitch and range of the sighing sound. Alternate between high and low pitches during the exhale while counting from one to five.
Straw Vocalizing
Inhale -- using your mouth -- slowly while yawning. Exhale the breath out through a straw using your mouth only.
Take another breath while yawning without the straw. Exhale the breath into the straw, vocalizing the exhale each time. The vocalizing in this case is essentially a sigh with sound.
Change the pitch each time you exhale into the straw to help improve your vocal range.
Lip Buzzing
Press your lips loosely together. On the exhale, allow your lips to vibrate together. The sound should be similar to that of a motor.
Inhale repeatedly while yawing. Exhale with your lips loosely closed, vocalizing sound each time.
Change pitch during the exhale, going higher and lower after yawning. When you feel a tickling sensation, you are completing the vocal exercise properly.