Things You'll Need
Loosen the chuck of a cordless power drill. Insert a threaded rod into the chuck. tighten the chuck securely to hold the rod in place. Refer to specific manufacturer information for attaching accessories to the drill chuck.
Thread a nut onto the rod. Work the nut down the rod so that it is just above the end of the chuck. Slide a fender washer down onto the nut.
Slide a string spool onto the threaded rod. Position the spool so it rests on the washer.
Place a second fender washer on the rod. Slide the washer down next to the spool.
Place a cone shaped spring onto the threaded rod. Position the large end of the spring on the washer. Thread a wing nut onto the rod. Use the wing nut to adjust the tension on the spool.
Cut a small diameter PVC tube to length with a fine tooth saw. Use the tube as a handle in front of the spool. Determine the length of the handle based on personal preference and the amount of threaded rod extending from the spool.
Slide the PVC tube onto the threaded rod. Place a fender washer next to the tube. Thread a lock nut onto the end of the rod to secure the parts in place. Use a wrench to help thread the lock nut in place.