Things You'll Need
Move the throttle trim, located adjacent to the left joystick, and the throttle, or left, joystick so that both are in their lowest position. Turn on the transmitter.
Turn on the helicopter, then wait as the system automatically calibrates itself. The setup process is indicated by a steady or blinking red light. Wait until the light turns green before proceeding with the setup procedure.
Apply slight throttle by raising the left joystick, then watch the helicopter blades by observing the aircraft's profile. Assess the tracking alignment of the helicopter's main blades. If the blades do not form a perfect circle, adjust the blade by tightening or loosening the pitch control link for that blade. If the blade is lower than the other, turn the linkage clockwise to tighten it; if the blade is higher than the other, turn the linkage counterclockwise to loosen it. Make adjustments until both form a perfect flat circle.
Raise the throttle enough to hover the aircraft a few feet off the ground. Observe its idle hover, and assess its aerial stability. If the tail of the aircraft has a slight wobble, you will need to decrease the gyro gain; if the tail of the aircraft wobbles more than three inches, you will need to increase the gyro gain.
Turn the helicopter off. Remove the canopy by disconnecting the two clips, then find the gyro, located behind the main rotor shaft. Use a flat-head screwdriver to turn the gain adjuster, which is on the right side of the gyro's front face. Rotate the knob clockwise to decrease the gain, or counterclockwise to increase the gain. Make minor adjustments, then retest the changes by turning the helicopter back on and flying it in a hover. Repeat the procedure until the helicopter remains stable during a hover.