Things You'll Need
Wipe down the exterior fabric using a cloth and rubbing alcohol. Clean the tear and the surrounding area well to remove any dirt or residue that could interfere with the repair materials.
Peel off the protective backing from a nylon repair support patch and expose the sticky adhesive. Position the patch on the outside of the fabric, over the tear and with the adhesive facing toward the fabric.
Press the patch down onto the nylon and smooth it down. Use your fingertips to work out any air bubbles or wrinkles in the patch.
Trim any loose fibers from the interior side of the fabric and clean the damaged area. Use a cloth and rubbing alcohol to clean the inside as you did for the outside.
Apply a thin bead of nylon repair glue over the damaged fabric, along the entire tear. Make sure the glue is touching both sides of the tear. Apply more glue if needed to make both sides meet.
Cut a nylon repair patch to the size of the tear with an additional 1/4 inch on each side. The extra width on the sides will allow the patch to grip onto the sturdy, undamaged fabric around the tear.
Peel off the backing from the cut patch and press the adhesive side firmly against the bead of repair glue. Rub the patch vigorously to bond the fabric and patch together.