List the physical characteristics of the objects that your robot end-effector will be manipulating. Consider size, weight, shape and fragility. If you anticipate manipulating different objects, create physical characteristic ranges that include the features of all objects your robot will be manipulating.
Choose an end-effector type. Use your list of physical characteristics to guide your choice of end-effector type. For example, if your robot will be manipulating thin, flat objects then a vacuum end-effector may be a good choice. For other object shapes, a gripping end-effector may work well. A magnetic end-effector can manipulate ferrous metallic items.
Calculate the dimensions of the end-effector. Use the size and weight characteristics from your list to guide the dimensions of the end-effector. In general, larger and heavier objects will require a larger, more substantial end-effector. For robots that have multiple end-effectors, the dimensions of each end-effector may be adjusted according to the number of end-effectors that will be in use simultaneously to manipulate an object. For example, if a robot will be manipulating a 100 pound object with 4 end-effectors, then each end-effector could be dimensioned to handle less than 100 pounds.
Determine materials for the end-effector. Analyze the size of the end-effector, the weight that the robot arm can manipulate and the weight of the objects being manipulated in order to determine a material strength needed for the end-effector. The material strength needed will suggest which materials may be appropriate for the end-effector. You may also need to consider cost in selecting materials, as some materials may meet the strength-to-weight ratio needed, but may be cost-prohibitive.
Select end-effector connections. You'll need a mechanical connection between the end-effector and the robot arm. The mechanical connection between the end-effector and the robot arm can be as simple as a nut-and-bolt system. In addition, you may need control connections, such as electrical, hydraulic or vacuum, to transfer control signals or pressures from the robot to the end-effector.