Things You'll Need
Mix the rubbing alcohol and the pure glycerin in equal parts, mixing enough to cover the entire skin. Pour the mixture into the container.
Remove the skin from the snake. Cut out all meat, organs and fat, including any small pieces of flesh attached to the inside of the skin. Lay the skin out flat and, beginning at one end, roll it loosely, working toward the tail.
Place the rolled skin into the alcohol and glycerin mixture. Seal the container tightly. Open and gently stir once a day for three days. Seal firmly after each stir.
Remove the snakeskin from the mixture. Rinse thoroughly with clean water, removing any leftover debris or membrane with the dull bladed knife.
Lay out the skin, flesh side up. Apply a thin layer of the pure glycerin to this side of the skin. Drape the skin over a hanger, and allow it to air-dry for 24 hours. Wipe excess glycerin off with a clean soft cloth.