Things You'll Need
Purchase a tarp large enough to cover the background area of the stage you're using. Lay the tarp flat on the ground and paint a swamp scene, using acrylic paints. Make the background color a dark, navy blue. Paint a brown edge at the bottom to look like mud, and trees shooting up from above the mud. Paint green hanging vines hanging from the trees. Let your imagination go to paint a swamp scene of your choosing. Let dry.
Cut slits at the top of the tarp, making one slit about every foot. Snake a piece of rope through each slit and hang the backdrop from the stage rafters.
Line the sides, or wings, of the stage with large, fake trees. You can find these at home decorating stores. Conversely, purchase real potted shrubs and trees from a gardening store and place these in bunches around the stage.
Put chunks of dry ice into buckets and pour a few cups of water over each bucket to create a dense fog. Place the buckets behind the trees lining the stage, so the buckets are hidden but the fog drifts onto the stage.