Carrying Case
Your screwdriver set with grip tools should come in a carrying case with a plastic front so that it's easy to see the tools. Each of the tools should be in a hollowed out area so that it's easy to keep all of the tools organized and accessible. Without this organization, it could take too long to find the tools you need.
Your set should include a wide range of sizes in both Philips and flat screwdrivers because you may need one or both of these types depending on the type of job.
Hex Keys
The set should also include hex keys. Hex keys, also known as Allen wrenches, are hexagonal-shaped tools used to drive in screws or bolts that have a hexagonal shape. Hex keys are easy to use and made of lightweight material.
Your set should also include a socket wrench. A socket wrench is a wrench with detachable sockets that allows you to unfasten and tighten bolts and other types of fasteners. Socket wrenches are designed with a ratchet mechanism which allows a fastener to be made tighter or looser without detaching the socket wrench from the fastener.
Powered Features
You might want to consider powered components such as a powered screwdriver, which makes it easier and faster to screw and unscrew fasteners. Powered screwdrivers have a mechanism that can rotate the screwdriver in either direction. A powered screwdriver makes it easier to unscrew screws which are tight and difficult to unfasten.
Purchasing Sources
Precision screwdriver sets and grip tools can be purchased on line or at your local hardware store or national hardware chain. When selecting the one that is right for you, consider price but also consider any warranties for defects. Although these tools rarely break, warranties help you protect your investment for years.