Things You'll Need
Learn the rules of your specific game. If you are playing an elimination-style game in which you are given multiple "lives" before you are eliminated, know how many lives you have. If you are playing a team game that requires you to deactivate or destroy the other team's headquarters, you must create a plan to draw out the opposing team so you or one of your teammates can achieve that goal.
Take evasive action. No matter the style of game you are playing, you want to avoid getting "tagged" as much as possible to preserve your "lives" and stay in the game. Locate as many areas that provide shelter as you can. Use those areas as bunkers and fire when you have a good shot.
Maximize your accuracy by aiming at the opponent's sensors and firing only when you have a clear shot. In many laser tag games, you receive a bonus that is calculated by dividing the number of times you hit someone by the number of shots you fired. In other words, take less shots with more accuracy in order to increase your bonus points.
Run only in short bursts that take you to safety. By constantly running, you present an easy target to opposing players who can lock in on your position and shoot you from behind or from the side. Run with a purpose, such as going from one position to the next or to join a teammate behind some kind of obstruction.
Work with your group when playing team games. If you have to sacrifice a few of your "lives" to advance your team toward a crucial goal, do so. The team version of laser tag requires each member of the team do something to contribute towards victory. Offer to become a decoy to direct attention your way while your teammate scrambles toward the opponent's headquarters.