Things You'll Need
Locate the servo mounting brace, usually found on the top of the aircraft's fuselage, adjacent to the vertical main rotor shaft. Slide the servo into the brace with the servo arm (a small protruding cylinder) oriented on top. Use two screws to secure the servo to the chassis and tighten one at each end of the servo case.
Plug the servo wire into the sixth channel on the receiver -- it will either be labeled CH. 6 or AIL (which is the abbreviation for aileron).
Turn on both the receiver and the transmitter, then slide the aileron trim (found adjacent to the right joystick) to its center point. The servo is now centered and in idle position.
Move the aileron linkage over the servo arm. Slide a screw through the hole at the end of the linkage connector, then press the linkage down onto the servo arm. Tighten the screw.