Things You'll Need
Lay out a layer of bricks flat on the ground to use as a base for your fire. Make this at least one level deep to protect the surface you build it on; make it two layers thick if you want to be really safe.
Construct a layer of bricks on top of the first in a circular pattern, with enough room in the center to build a charcoal fire suitable for your heating needs.
Make a gap in the circular arrangement of bricks and place the metal tube from the vacuum into it.
Build up the circular brick arrangement another 4 to 5 levels, maintaining a clear and unobstructed chimney through the center. This chimney will also allow you to feed more charcoal into the fire as necessary.
Load charcoal through the chimney once constructed, and light using either barbecue lighter fluid or a lit piece of charcoal. Wait for the charcoal to ignite and burn
Set the vacuum cleaner to blow, instead of suction, and pump air into the furnace to increase temperatures.
Place the metals you want to heat directly into the forge, or if wanting to melt metals, place them inside a metal cup of higher melting point temperature and place over the open chimney.