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How to Use an Anchor Ball

When in the open water, it can be important to know how to properly anchor your boat to minimize the inherent risk of boating. Anchoring requires a little knowledge and understanding of your boat and its anchoring system; however, seasoned fishermen and boaters know tricks of the trade that make maneuvering the open waters a little easier. Using an anchor ball -- a large orange ball that acts as a buoy -- can be added to your anchor line for retrieval of your anchor in depths beyond 75 feet.


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      Write down your course or heading.

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      Place the boat in neutral. Open the ring on the anchor ball and place it on the anchor rode. Secure the anchor ball in place and toss the ball and ring overboard.

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      Power the boat forward with the helm to left of your rode. You will arch around the anchor's position.

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      Keep the rope at approximately the 5 o'clock position from your bow. Give the boat some power and the ball will begin to ride down the anchor rode until it goes under the water.

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      Give the boat additional power. The ball will surface where the anchor is located. Your boat is now anchored.

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