Create goals for yourself. For example, you can commit to earning a college degree or training to run a marathon. If you don't have any kind of ambition in your life, you may quickly become bored. When you feel bored, study for an exam or get ahead on your reading.
Find some fun time killers. Many things in life, such as waiting for an appointment at a dentist's office or flying on an airplane, are both unavoidable and boring. If you prepare yourself with time killers, your experiences will be much more pleasurable. For example, you can bring a crossword puzzle or a word find to complete. Some other ideas include bringing books, magazines and a pencil and paper.
Engage in physical activity. Go for a walk along the beach or ride your bike to the park. In addition to curing boredom, exercise will also get you in better shape. If you don't want to go out alone, take your dog or call a good friend.
Contact an old friend. Call her on the phone and ask her how she is doing. Talk about some of your favorite memories with her and ask her what she is doing for a living. Before you know it, hours have passed by and you have reconnected with someone close to you.
Volunteer to help others in your community. Offer to clean the cages at your local animal shelter or serve food at a soup kitchen. In addition to helping someone in need, you can also develop new friendships with kind people.