Things You'll Need
Make distilled water by boiling it and then measure 400 ml in a graduated cylinder. Add 20 ml of hydrofluoric acid to the water. Put the mixture into a container.
Rinse the graduated cylinder with the water mixture. Put the remaining distilled water in a second separate container. Dispose of the waste water according to your city's disposal methods for contaminated waste.
Add 20 ml of regular water to the distilled water mixture by measuring it with the cylinder. Rinse the graduated cylinder twice. Dispose of the waste water according to your city's disposal methods for contaminated waste.
Place a stencil on the titanium with steel tweezers where you want to etch it. Hold it in place with tape.
Wet the Etch-O-Matic head with the distilled water mixture and then put it on the stencil. Touch the ground wire of the Etch-O-Matic to the titanium for several seconds.