Things You'll Need
Remove the lid and grill from your barbecue. Also remove any gas elements that may be mounted inside. You're creating a simple forge fire pit, with the bottom half of the barbecue used to simply hold the coke and resulting fire.
Drill a circle of holes in the bottom center of your barbecue. This lets air be sucked through the bottom of the barbecue and into the fire. As the oxygen is sucked in, it helps the fire burn hotter.
Light a small fire using some wooden kindling and lighter fluid. Once the fire gets going, place small pieces of coke into the fire. Place more pieces of coke onto the fire until it's the size you require. Coke is made by heating and cooking, but not combusting, coal.
Place the piece of steel you want to forge into the fire, directly onto the burning coke. Direct a fan to blow extra air onto the burning coke to help it burn as hot as possible.
Remove the piece of steel when it becomes red-hot using some tongs, and strike it with your hammer against an anvil to shape it as you like. Replace the steel into the fire whenever it cools to less than red-hot.