Hold the longbow and arrow. You can use your left hand to steady the device out in front of you. Use your right hand to pull an arrow back into the string.
Close one eye. Use your open eye to take a look through the longbow. You can use the arrow tip for reference. Alternatively, you can use the eyesight if your longbow has one.
Pull an arrow back. Take note of how far back you pull. This will give you a reference point for your next shot. Take note of the vertical height you aim the arrow at. If you simply want a starting reference point, keep it at shoulder level. You can adjust your aim accordingly in subsequent shots based upon the landing point of the first arrow. Release the arrow. You now have a reference point. If you wish to shoot it farther, you will need to pull the arrow back farther on the next shot in order to create more force. You can also aim higher to create greater arc on your shot.