Things You'll Need
Physically move them to another area away from you, far enough where you believe it will be an obstacle for them to come back. You will need to do so by hand, perhaps with gloves on and may require a large bag. This will work only if the size of the population is very small. Some frogs are nocturnal so you will have to look for them at night.
Remove any dark covered areas where frogs can be found. Frogs usually like to hide in areas where they will not be disturbed and breed in open waters such as ponds.
Unplug or switch off any outdoor lighting during night hours. Frogs will be prefer to be in a place where many bugs can be found to eat and since lights attract most bugs, it should be turned off to keep away the natural attractor of the frogs.
Eliminate any bugs that frogs normally eat. Frogs will have no reason to be in that area once they notice a reduction of food sources. Spray pesticide on leaves or any plants that you normally see bugs on. Pesticide can be harmful to the environment and may even kill the frogs, so use with caution. Neem oil and Pyrethrum are natural alternatives for eliminating insects in your garden.
Introduce a natural predator into your area. Many species of birds, lizards and small mammals such as crows, snakes, and raccoons will eat frogs. If you don't want a wild animal hanging around your backyard, then consider getting a dog or cat. Before doing so, it's important to determine if your frog species is venomous to dogs and cats. Raccoons and some fish will also eat the tadpoles.
Spray vinegar, salt, or citric acid on areas inhabited by the frogs. Frogs will find these solutions to be painful to their feet, and will have no choice but to leave or suffer in painful conditions.
Purchase a frog repellent online or at your local store.