Things You'll Need
Tie the first anchor point. On one of the trees, attach the main bridge rope using a taut-line hitch on top of a clove hitch. A double knot like this will not slip and will act as a solid anchor point for the bridge.
Stretch the rope to the other tree and attach it leaving some slack using two half hitches. This knot will slide to allow you to tighten the bridge.
Raise your two X trestles. Stand each upright until they reach a 90-degree angle. Tighten the knot by sliding it away from the tree until the rope is taught between the trestles.
Tie the handrail. Use two ropes and attach both above the anchor knot on the first tree. Each rope is one handrail. Wrap each once around the top of the trestle. Tie a clove hitch and run to the opposite trestle. Stretch them until tight to create two handrails on either side. Anchor them on the opposite tree using the same knot combo.
Test and tighten. Try to walk across it. You may need to adjust the tightness of all the ropes. If necessary, create rungs by tying the handrails to the bridge rope.