Things You'll Need
Cut a small hole in the back of the cup with a utility knife. Make the cut about half way down the side of the cup. Make the hole just large enough for you to slip your right thumb through.
Place your right thumb inside the hole. Position your left hand in the same place, extending the fingers of both hands around the cup.
Raise the cup into the air, and let go of the cup with your fingers. Hold the cup directly in front of your body so that people watching you hold the cup cannot see where your thumb is attached to the front.
Practice "guiding" the cup with your mind in front of a mirror. Hold your hands in front and follow the cup as if it is trying to get away. Grab the cup suddenly to give the illusion that it is floating away from you.
Break the cup in half along the hole line at the end of the trick. This is done to show the audience that you didn't use any special tricks or string to make the cup float, but in reality, it also hides the hole that you punched into the cup.