Cut the skin off the squirrel slowly, beginning at the head. Insert the point of the knife where the hair begins behind the nose, cutting into the squirrel and separating the silvery skin from the hide. Work your way past the eyes, at which point you can cut into the cheek muscles and peel back the rest of the skin around the head. The skin should peel off down to the tail. Loosen any stubborn areas where the skin is attached tightly to the pelt with the knife.
Cut the tail down the middle, which will allow you to remove the tail bone and muscle surrounding it. The bone and muscle can be snapped off toward the end of the tail.
Use a staple gun to attach the hide to a piece of plywood or other flat surface. Stretch the hide flat and staple it at the very edges of the pelt.
Sprinkle a large amount of non-iodized salt over the squirrel hide. The salt should cover all the edges of the pelt. Carefully apply the salt to the head and tail so that it penetrates deeply. The salt will absorb the moisture from the pelt, generally after three days.
Repeat the salting process. All the moisture should be removed from the hide within 10 to 14 days, at which time the hide will be cured.